We Care About Your Health

Healing Hands
Caring Hearts

Medical And Health Care Services

Phoebus Hospital Lucknow

Complete Health Care Solutions For You

Phoebus Hospital in Lucknow provide convenient access to advanced tertiary medical care to the people of Uttar Pradesh. The hospital delivers high standards of technology, infrastructure, and clinical care to the patients at an affordable cost through a team of super-specialist doctors, nurses, and paramedic staff.


    We believe that everyone deserves life-changing technology, which is why we offer cutting edge healthcare technologies and services.


    A world-class healthcare company, Phoebus Hospitals has not rested on its success.


    Our staff comprises of highly trained and skilled medical practitioners, who have a lot of experience in treating their patients.

Consult Our Trusted Surgeons,
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The best of modern healthcare to ensure you stay healthy, always.

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Health & Wellness

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Why Choose Us

The Phoebus Hospital has vast experience in the medical field and has been serving the people of Uttar Pradesh. Phoebus has the vision to provide the best services at a very affordable rate.

Phoebus Hospital has nearly all specialty and super-specialty departments equipped with state-of-The-Art equipment in the diagnostic and therapeutic fields. Phoebus is committed to redefining the medical services in Lucknow through its experienced administrative team, eminent doctors, and experienced paramedical staff.

Phoebus was established with the sole mission to deliver the best-in-class, holistic, and affordable healthcare and to build a dynamic institution that focuses on the development of people.

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Monday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Saturday 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Sunday Closed

Defense Venture Timeline


One of the major advantages of working at Phoebus Hospitals is the care that we take for our patients and their families.

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Pianoforte solicitude decisively unpleasing conviction. Particular diminution entreaties.

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The Emergency and Trauma care at Phoebus Hospital is a 24×7, fully equipped medical equipment

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